Red Fox

February 13, 2022 / 0 Comments

This 11” x 14” acrylic on canvas of a sweet little red fox is my first painting of 2022. This project is what has kept me sane over the frigid, snowy midwinter days. It took...

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January 13, 2022 / 0 Comments

This 8” x 10” acrylic painting is based on a photo taken by my son-in-law on one of his biking trips through the woods. What a great scene! Everybody just loves this cow leisurely eating...

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Snow Leopard

December 27, 2021 / 1 Comment

Just completed this 20″ x 20″ acrylic on canvas. I love painting big cats and the blue-green eyes and head tilt on this pretty girl made her a perfect candidate for my next painting.

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December 27, 2021 / 0 Comments

I recently completed this 16″ x 20″ portrait of my cousin’s dog, Shelby. She is a Keeshund, such a beautiful fluffy dog with a gorgeous face. This is my first whole body animal portrait and...

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Leopard Final


March 28, 2020 / 0 Comments

Recently finished this painting. Much work was required besides adding the whiskers which in itself was a time consuming task but I’m happy with the end product. As with any painting there is a point...

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Winnie Finished

April 13, 2019 / 0 Comments

I’ve had this painting in mind for a long while. It is of our cat Winnie who we loved dearly and passed away over 10 yrs ago. She was the best cat ever and we...

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Sharing the View

March 22, 2019 / 0 Comments

12″ x 12″ acrylic on canvas. This painting is from another great shot my daughter took of our granddaughter and her friends looking out of the train at Edaville Railroad. I immediately loved this captured...

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Best Friends (WIP)

July 27, 2018 / 0 Comments

Getting back to my painting after a busy couple of summer months. Really missed it and I find that having some art going keeps me happy and sane. I currently have two paintings in various...

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Box of Peppers

January 30, 2018 / 1 Comment

OK, so I have a thing for colorful veggies and when I saw these at the farm stand I knew I had to paint them. I’ve had a wonderful time with this painting as it...

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Mighty Old Friend

October 7, 2017 / 0 Comments

Many of you may recognize this beautiful old oak tree that stood by the Hopedale pond. Countless people from multiple generations have sat under the shelter of it’s branches for a few moments of peace and...

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