
My word for 2014 is Freedom! After 36yrs of work I have retired and am finally free to do my artwork. Yay! This is actually my first weekend without the typical dread of Monday morning. I’ve spent a lot of time reviewing all those half-finished projects and organizing things. I’m re-inspired looking at all this neat stuff in various stages of completion. And there’s so much more I want to do!!

This past summer I made a baby quilt in preparation for the arrival of my grand daughter, Bellamie Rose, who was born in November. It was made from a very cool giraffe panel and coordinating fabrics. The quilt has become the focal point of the baby’s room hanging next to the changing table. Bellamie loves to stare and coo at the happy little giraffes in one of the bottom squares – how much more rewarding could it get! : )