Pounded Flowers

While cleaning my art room I came across several pieces of muslin on which I had experimented with leaf pounding, a technique which involves taping flowers and leaves to fabric, placing it on a hard surface and pounding with a rubber hammer until the color from the natural material is transferred to the fabric. I had mixed results with detail and flower color but there were several very interesting examples.

I had also experimented with painting fabric with a brayer using many different items to create textures and designs. I found that the colors of these painted pieces coordinated well with the flower poundings and had much fun arranging them into a pleasing composition.

The final piece of the puzzle was muslin I had dyed by placing in the strained liquid from a pot of stewed coffee grounds. Elastic bands created interesting whites bands that worked well as the background for the flower poundings.

Now I just need a contrasting fabric for a border or binding. Still deciding on the best method for quilting to bring all the pieces together as a harmonious whole.



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